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president's column

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The Hematologist (2011) 8 (3)
Published: 2011
...J. Evan Sadler, MD, PhD The American Society of Hematology has always been committed to supporting basic hematology research, which is the foundation for progress in translational and clinical research. During his term as President last year, Dr. Hal Broxmeyer was instrumental in highlighting...
The Hematologist (2010) 7 (6)
Published: 2010
... look forward to hearing your comments and advice as we enhance our efforts in these worthy endeavors to address this critical challenge. It has been a true pleasure to serve as the 2010 ASH president. Highlights of my term clearly include close interactions with the committed ASH staff, officers...
The Hematologist (2025) 22 (1)
Published: 2025
... neutropenia, transplantation, and cellular therapy. Why do I share these details? It’s the start of a new year, which means that ASH has a new slate of officers, and it is my great honor to serve as the Society’s 67th president. For some readers of this President’s Column, I may be an unfamiliar name...
The Hematologist (2023) 20 (6)
Published: 2023
...Robert A. Brodsky, MD “How is your ASH presidency going?” is a common question I have received this year. “It has been a lot of work, but mostly fun,” has been my reply. With this being my last column for The Hematologist as ASH president, I find myself reflecting upon my experiences over...
The Hematologist (2018) 15 (6)
Published: 2018
... awareness about this underappreciated threat. You can learn more about this endeavor at the annual meeting during a Special Education Session on ASH Clinical Practice Guidelines on Venous Thromboembolism (Monday, December 3, 2:45 – 4:15 p.m.), or online . As I begin my final President’s Column, I am...
The Hematologist (2024) 21 (6)
Published: 2024
... privilege — in fact, the highlight of my career — to serve as the 66th president of ASH. There are so many people to thank for making this past year such a joy for me. I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge the highly dedicated and outstanding ASH staff. I am also very grateful to the ASH Executive...
The Hematologist (2016) 13 (6)
Published: 2016
.... In an earlier President’s Column, I shared some of my thoughts about the National Cancer Moonshot as well as the pivotal role of precision medicine in the next wave of discovery in conquering hematologic diseases. This summer, ASH announced a collaboration with the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS...
The Hematologist (2018) 15 (5)
Published: 2018
... and identifies areas where more can be done. There has been measurable interval progress in professional education, research, access to care, and global issues, yet opportunities to make greater strides remain. September is Sickle Cell Awareness Month, and in a President’s Column written earlier this year...
The Hematologist (2022) 19 (3)
Published: 2022
.... Martin Tallman's President's Column in March/April 2021. He described ASH's many international programs and invited us to think about further extending our reach worldwide. The list of ASH's international activities is extensive and far-reaching, having grown rapidly in a relatively short period...
The Hematologist (2013) 10 (6)
Published: 2013
..., and I’d like to use this column – my last as ASH president – to focus on our extraordinary collaboration with the Wallace H. Coulter Foundation (WHCF) and its profound impact on our Society. The legacy of Mr. Coulter also lives on within ASH through the Wallace H. Coulter Award for Lifetime...
The Hematologist (2014) 11 (6)
Published: 2014
... with members of the Executive Committee, particularly the last three presidents of the Society — Armand Keating, Jan Abkowitz, and Linda Burns. Their President’s Columns have provided readers with candid insight into the priorities and goals of the Society. I would also like to thank the staff behind...
The Hematologist (2014) 11 (1)
Published: 2014
... eligible independent scientists may apply. Having just returned from the 55th annual meeting, the excitement of scientific advances and networking with colleagues has not yet subsided as I look forward to 2014 and the honor of serving as president of ASH. In this first column of the New Year, I...
The Hematologist (2019) 16 (4)
Published: 2019
... membership, who serve as a volunteer board of trustees for the organization. As 2019 president, I am asked to oversee the board’s meetings and shepherd the Society as we make decisions that affect our financial outlays, our membership, and our patients. My experience has been that board members share...
The Hematologist (2013) 10 (6)
Published: 2013
.... Abkowitz’s President’s Column), two Featured Topic Discussions on novel targets in hemostasis and thrombosis and chimeric antigen receptors, and a Friday Scientific Workshop on Myeloid Development. In addition, ASH is keenly aware of the vast size of the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center and the number...
The Hematologist (2013) 10 (1)
Published: 2013
...Janis L. Abkowitz, MD It is an absolute honor to write as president of ASH, and I am especially honored to be your leader at this complex time when our challenges as hematology clinicians and researchers are huge, but when the opportunities are equally compelling. I am writing this first...
The Hematologist (2017) 14 (5)
Published: 2017
...Melissa Francisco, MBA; William A. Wood, MD, MPH In the July/August issue’s President’s column, Dr. Kenneth Anderson highlighted the need to facilitate the sharing of research-grade data for ASH members and the hematology community. To that end, ASH has committed to developing its own data...
The Hematologist (2020) 17 (6)
Published: 2020
...Stephanie J. Lee, MD, MPH Many people have asked me, “How is your year as ASH president going?” They send condolences (“Sorry you have to be president this year”) or comment, “Bet you never thought it would be like this.” Nope, I never thought it would be like this. I feared all sorts...
The Hematologist (2014) 11 (6)
Published: 2014
... leukemias, lymphoproliferative disorders, plasma cell dyscrasias, myeloproliferative neoplasms, and related transplantation biology know that their scholarly contributions are recognized and respected by the Society. This column will be my last as President of ASH. I hope that you’ve had as fulfilling...