American Society of Hematology Self-Assessment Program, Eighth Edition
The American Society of Hematology Self-Assessment Program (ASH-SAP), Eighth Edition is the most comprehensive edition to date, encompassing both adult and pediatric hematology, including both nonmalignant and malignant disorders. With 25 chapters, many newly rendered illustrations, and 259 multiple-choice questions, ASH-SAP is designed for self-directed learning and review with case studies, key points, graphics, animation, and a glossary.
This activity is supported by educational funding provided by Pharmacyclics and Seattle Genetics.
Image: Thromboembol in blood vessel. © Katerynakon | (This image is also used extensively in the text)

Purchase ASH-SAP, 8th Edition
Credits available from the 6 tests include:
- 75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™
- 75 ABIM Medical Knowledge Points
- 75 American Board of Pathology SAM Credits

ASH-SAP, 8th edition CME/MOC
Earn up to 75 hours of CME/MOC credits through a series of six test modules

ASH-SAP, 8th Edition Multimedia
17 Multimedia Modules including digital and illustration animation.
Purchase your copy today