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Frank Schmitz
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Journal Articles
Clinical Trials & Observations
Cecilia Carpio, Reda Bouabdallah, Loïc Ysebaert, Juan-Manuel Sancho, Gilles Salles, Raul Cordoba, Antonio Pinto, Mecide Gharibo, Drew Rasco, Carlos Panizo, Jose A. Lopez-Martin, Armando Santoro, Antonio Salar, Silvia Damian, Alejandro Martin, Gregor Verhoef, Eric Van den Neste, Maria Wang, Suzana Couto, Soraya Carrancio, Andrew Weng, Xuehai Wang, Frank Schmitz, Xin Wei, Kristen Hege, Matthew W. B. Trotter, Alberto Risueño, Tonia J. Buchholz, Patrick R. Hagner, Anita K. Gandhi, Michael Pourdehnad, Vincent Ribrag
Blood (2020) 135 (13): 996–1007.
Published: 2020
Includes: Supplemental data
Journal Articles
David J. Reiss, PhD, Trevor Do, David Kuo, Vanessa E. Gray, N. Eric Olson, Chung-Wein Lee, Mary H. Young, PhD, Shradha Srinivasan, Falon D. Gray, DVM, DACVP, Brian Fox, Suzana Couto, Jason A. Dubovsky, PhD, Frank Schmitz, Kathryn Newhall
Blood (2019) 134 (Supplement_1): 202.
Published: 2019
Journal Articles
Mary H Young, PhD, Sam A Danziger, Alison Fitch, Frank Schmitz, MD PhD, Jake Gockley, PhD, Mark McConnell, PhD, David Reiss, PhD, Wilbert B. Copeland, PhD, Sarah K Johnson, PhD, Katie Newhall, PhD, Robert Hershberg, MD PhD, Teri Foy, PhD, Alexander Ratushny, PhD, Brian A Walker, PhD, Andrew Dervan, Gareth Morgan, MD
Blood (2018) 132 (Supplement 1): 243.
Published: 2018
Journal Articles
Patrick R. Hagner, PhD, Fadi Towfic, PhD, Frank Schmitz, MD PhD, Xuehai Wang, PhD, Andrew P. Weng, MD, Michael Pourdehnad, MD, Anita K. Gandhi, PhD
Blood (2018) 132 (Supplement 1): 4211.
Published: 2018
Journal Articles
Samuel A Danziger, PhD, Mark McConnell, PhD, Jake Gockley, PhD, Mary Young, PhD, Adam Rosenthal, MS, Frank Schmitz, MD PhD, David Reiss, PhD, Phil Farmer, Cody Ashby, PhD, Michael A Bauer, PhD, Frits van Rhee, MD PhD, Faith E. Davies, MD, Maurizio Zangari, MD, Nathan Petty, MS, CCRP, Wilbert B. Copeland, PhD, Brian A. Fox, PhD, Antje Hoering, PhD, Alison Fitch, Katie Newhall, PhD, Bart Barlogie, MD PhD, Brian A Walker, PhD, Matthew Trotter, PhD, Rob Hershberg, MD PhD, Andrew Dervan, Alexander Ratushny, PhD, Gareth Morgan, MD
Blood (2018) 132 (Supplement 1): 1882.
Published: 2018
Journal Articles
Greg E. Pietz, BS, MS, Mark Tometsko, BSc, Wilbert B. Copeland, PhD, Elizabeth Whalen, PhD, Frank Schmitz, MD PhD, Ethan G. Thompson, PhD, Amit Agarwal, MD PhD, Teresa Foy, PhD, Lauren Buchholz, BS, Vitalina Komashko, PhD, Justine Dell'Aringa, BSc, Brian A. Fox, PhD, Kathryn Newhall, PhD
Blood (2018) 132 (Supplement 1): 3161.
Published: 2018
Journal Articles
Andrew P Dervan, Michael Mason, PhD, Fadi Towfic, PhD, Michael Amatangelo, PhD, Daniel Auclair, PhD, Douglas Bassett, PhD, Hongyue Dai, PhD, William S. Dalton, PhDMD, Samuel Danziger, PhD, Erin Flynt, PhD, Hartmut Goldschmidt, MD, Justin Guinney, PhD, Dirk Hose, MD, Konstantimos Mavrommatis, PhD, Gareth J. Morgan, MD PhD, Nikhil Munshi, MD, Alexander Ratushny, PhD, Dan Rozelle, PhD, Mehmet Kemal Samur, PhD, Frank Schmitz, MD PhD, Kenneth H Shain, MD PhD, Matthew Trotter, PhD, Brian A Walker, PhD, Brian S. White, PhD, Thomas Yu, BS, Anjan Thakurta, PhD
Blood (2017) 130 (Supplement 1): 265.
Published: 2017
Journal Articles
Samuel Danziger, PhD, Andrew P Dervan, Frank Schmitz, MD PhD, Brian A Walker, PhD, Wilbert Copeland, PhD, Alison Fitch, BS, Kathryn Newhall, PhD, Cody Cody Ashby, PhD, Michael Bauer, PhD, Bart Barlogie, MD PhD, Teri Foy, PhD, Matthew Trotter, PhD, Rob Hershberg, MD PhD, Alexander Ratushny, PhD, Gareth J. Morgan, MD PhD
Blood (2017) 130 (Supplement 1): 1751.
Published: 2017
Journal Articles
Mark Gilchrist, William R. Henderson, Jr, Andrew Morotti, Carrie D. Johnson, Alex Nachman, Frank Schmitz, Kelly D. Smith, Alan Aderem
Blood (2010) 115 (23): 4734–4741.
Published: 2010
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