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A humanized non–FcR-binding anti-CD3 antibody, visilizumab, for treatment of steroid-refractory acute graft-versus-host disease
Association of CD34 cell dose with hematopoietic recovery, infections, and other outcomes after HLA-identical sibling bone marrow transplantation
Comparison of Escherichia coli–asparaginase withErwinia-asparaginase in the treatment of childhood lymphoid malignancies: results of a randomized European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer—Children's Leukemia Group phase 3 trial
Long-term support of hematopoiesis by a single stem cell clone in patients with paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
High-dose therapy and autologous blood stem cell transplantation in POEMS syndrome
Loss of PU.1 expression is associated with defective immunoglobulin transcription in Hodgkin and Reed-Sternberg cells of classical Hodgkin disease
Issue Archive
April 15 2002
Table of Contents
Sustained phenotypic correction of hemophilia B dogs with a factor IX null mutation by liver-directed gene therapy
Jane D. Mount,Roland W. Herzog,D. Michael Tillson,Susan A. Goodman,Nancy Robinson,Mark L. McCleland,Dwight Bellinger,Timothy C. Nichols,Valder R. Arruda,Clinton D. Lothrop, Jr,Katherine A. High
Dose-adjusted EPOCH chemotherapy for untreated large B-cell lymphomas: a pharmacodynamic approach with high efficacy
Wyndham H. Wilson,Michael L. Grossbard,Stefania Pittaluga,Diane Cole,Deborah Pearson,Nicole Drbohlav,Seth M. Steinberg,Richard F. Little,John Janik,Martin Gutierrez,Mark Raffeld,Louis Staudt,Bruce D. Cheson,Dan L. Longo,Nancy Harris,Elaine S. Jaffe,Bruce A. Chabner,Robert Wittes,Frank Balis
A humanized non–FcR-binding anti-CD3 antibody, visilizumab, for treatment of steroid-refractory acute graft-versus-host disease
Clinical Trials & Observations
Paul A. Carpenter,Frederick R. Appelbaum,Lawrence Corey,H. Joachim Deeg,Kris Doney,Theodore Gooley,James Krueger,Paul Martin,Sandra Pavlovic,Jean Sanders,John Slattery,Daniel Levitt,Rainer Storb,Ann Woolfrey,Claudio Anasetti
Association of CD34 cell dose with hematopoietic recovery, infections, and other outcomes after HLA-identical sibling bone marrow transplantation
Clinical Trials & Observations
Henrique Bittencourt,Vanderson Rocha,Sylvie Chevret,Gérard Socié,Hélène Espérou,Agnès Devergie,Liliane Dal Cortivo,Jean-Pierre Marolleau,Federico Garnier,Patricia Ribaud,Eliane Gluckman
Comparison of Escherichia coli–asparaginase withErwinia-asparaginase in the treatment of childhood lymphoid malignancies: results of a randomized European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer—Children's Leukemia Group phase 3 trial
Clinical Trials & Observations
Michel Duval,Stefan Suciu,Alina Ferster,Xavier Rialland,Brigitte Nelken,Patrick Lutz,Yves Benoit,Alain Robert,Anne-Marie Manel,Etienne Vilmer,Jacques Otten,Noël Philippe,for the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer—Children's Leukemia Group
Long-term support of hematopoiesis by a single stem cell clone in patients with paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
Clinical Trials & Observations
Jun-ichi Nishimura,Toshiyuki Hirota,Yuzuru Kanakura,Takashi Machii,Takashi Kageyama,Shoichi Doi,Hiroshi Wada,Toru Masaoka,Yoshio Kanayama,Hiroshi Fujii,Nobumasa Inoue,Maki Kuwayama,Norimitsu Inoue,Kazuhito Ohishi,Taroh Kinoshita
Coronary no-reflow is caused by shedding of active tissue factor from dissected atherosclerotic plaque
Diana Bonderman,Alexander Teml,Johannes Jakowitsch,Christopher Adlbrecht,Mariann Gyöngyösi,Wolfgang Sperker,Harald Lass,Wilhelm Mosgoeller,Dietmar H. Glogar,Peter Probst,Gerald Maurer,Yale Nemerson,Irene M. Lang
Differential catalytic properties and vascular topography of murine nucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 1 (NTPDase1) and NTPDase2 have implications for thromboregulation
Jean Sévigny,Christian Sundberg,Norbert Braun,Olaf Guckelberger,Eva Csizmadia,Imrana Qawi,Masato Imai,Herbert Zimmermann,Simon C. Robson
Agonist-induced aggregation of Chinese hamster ovary cells coexpressing the human receptors for fibrinogen (integrin αIIbβ3) and the platelet-activating factor: dissociation between adhesion and aggregation
Susana Larrucea,Consuelo González-Manchón,Nora Butta,Elena G. Arias-Salgado,Linnan Shen,Matilde S. Ayuso,Roberto Parrilla
Two classes of germline genes both derived from the VH1 family direct the formation of human antibodies that recognize distinct antigenic sites in the C2 domain of factor VIII
Edward N. van den Brink,Wendy S. Bril,Ellen A. M. Turenhout,Marleen Zuurveld,Niels Bovenschen,Marjolein Peters,Thynn Thynn Yee,Koen Mertens,Deborah A. Lewis,Thomas L. Ortel,Pete Lollar,Dorothea Scandella,Jan Voorberg
CD95 engagement induces disseminated endothelial cell apoptosis in vivo: immunopathologic implications
Anne Janin,Christophe Deschaumes,Marjan Daneshpouy,Jérôme Estaquier,Juliette Micic-Polianski,Premavathy Rajagopalan-Levasseur,Khadija Akarid,Nicolas Mounier,Eliane Gluckman,Gérard Socié,Jean Claude Ameisen
Presence of a mobilizable intracellular pool of hepatocyte growth factor in human polymorphonuclear neutrophils
Alain Grenier,Sylvie Chollet-Martin,Bruno Crestani,Charlotte Delarche,Jamel El Benna,Anne Boutten,Valérie Andrieu,Geneviève Durand,Marie-Anne Gougerot-Pocidalo,Michel Aubier,Monique Dehoux
Longitudinal changes in brain magnetic resonance imaging findings in children with sickle cell disease
Charles H. Pegelow,Eric A. Macklin,Franklin G. Moser,Winfred C. Wang,Jacqueline A. Bello,Scott T. Miller,Elliott P. Vichinsky,Michael R. DeBaun,Ludovico Guarini,Robert A. Zimmerman,Donald P. Younkin,Dianne M. Gallagher,Thomas R. Kinney
The DBY gene codes for an HLA-DQ5–restricted human male-specific minor histocompatibility antigen involved in graft-versus-host disease
Mario H. J. Vogt,Joost W. van den Muijsenberg,Els Goulmy,Eric Spierings,Petra Kluck,Michel G. Kester,Ronald A. van Soest,Jan W. Drijfhout,Roel Willemze,J. H. Frederik Falkenburg
Randomized study of valacyclovir as prophylaxis against cytomegalovirus reactivation in recipients of allogeneic bone marrow transplants
Per Ljungman,Rafael de la Camara,Noel Milpied,Liisa Volin,Charlotte A. Russell,Adam Crisp,Alison Webster,the Valacyclovir International Bone Marrow Transplant Study Group
High-dose therapy and autologous blood stem cell transplantation in POEMS syndrome
Clinical Trials & Observations
Brief Report
Loss of PU.1 expression is associated with defective immunoglobulin transcription in Hodgkin and Reed-Sternberg cells of classical Hodgkin disease
Brief Report
Franziska Jundt,Katharina Kley,Ioannis Anagnostopoulos,Kristina Schulze Pröbsting,Axel Greiner,Stephan Mathas,Claus Scheidereit,Thomas Wirth,Harald Stein,Bernd Dörken
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