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Donor characteristics as risk factors in recipients after transplantation of bone marrow from unrelated donors: the effect of donor age
Treatment of steroid-refractory acute graft-versus-host disease with anti-CD147 monoclonal antibody ABX-CBL
Randomized trial of filgrastim versus chemotherapy and filgrastim mobilization of hematopoietic progenitor cells for rescue in autologous transplantation
Expression of mast cell tryptase by myeloblasts in a group of patients with acute myeloid leukemia
Translocations involving the immunoglobulin heavy-chain locus are possible early genetic events in patients with primary systemic amyloidosis
Serum osteoprotegerin levels are reduced in patients with multiple myeloma with lytic bone disease
Presence of N regions in the clonotypic DJ rearrangements of the immunoglobulin heavy-chain genes indicates an exquisitely short latency in t(4;11)-positive infant acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Issue Archive
Table of Contents
Donor characteristics as risk factors in recipients after transplantation of bone marrow from unrelated donors: the effect of donor age
Clinical Trials & Observations
Craig Kollman,Craig W. S. Howe,Claudio Anasetti,Joseph H. Antin,Stella M. Davies,Alexandra H. Filipovich,Janet Hegland,Naynesh Kamani,Nancy A. Kernan,Roberta King,Voravit Ratanatharathorn,Daniel Weisdorf,Dennis L. Confer
Treatment of steroid-refractory acute graft-versus-host disease with anti-CD147 monoclonal antibody ABX-CBL
Clinical Trials & Observations
H. Joachim Deeg,Bruce R. Blazar,Brian J. Bolwell,Gwynn D. Long,Friedrich Schuening,John Cunningham,Robert M. Rifkin,Sunil Abhyankar,Adrienne D. Briggs,Richard Burt,John Lipani,Lorin K. Roskos,J. Michael White,Nancy Havrilla,Gisela Schwab,Helen E. Heslop
Randomized trial of filgrastim versus chemotherapy and filgrastim mobilization of hematopoietic progenitor cells for rescue in autologous transplantation
Clinical Trials & Observations
Uma Narayanasami,Rajani Kanteti,Julie Morelli,Alanna Klekar,Asma Al-Olama,Claire Keating,Colleen O'Connor,Eugene Berkman,John K. Erban,Kellie A. Sprague,Kenneth B. Miller,David P. Schenkein
Expression of mast cell tryptase by myeloblasts in a group of patients with acute myeloid leukemia
Clinical Trials & Observations
Wolfgang R. Sperr,John-Hendrik Jordan,Mehrdad Baghestanian,Hans-Peter Kiener,Puchit Samorapoompichit,Hans Semper,Alexander Hauswirth,Gerit-Holger Schernthaner,Andreas Chott,Susanne Natter,Dietrich Kraft,Rudolf Valenta,Lawrence B. Schwartz,Klaus Geissler,Klaus Lechner,Peter Valent
Expression of scinderin in megakaryoblastic leukemia cells induces differentiation, maturation, and apoptosis with release of plateletlike particles and inhibits proliferation and tumorigenesis
Rodolfo Zunino,Qinggang Li,Sergio Daniel Rosé,Marı́a Margarita Itatı́ Romero-Benı́tez,Tatiana Lejen,Nora Cristina Brandan,José-Marı́a Trifaró
Activation of the nitric oxide synthase pathway represents a key component of tumor necrosis factor–related apoptosis-inducing ligand–mediated cytotoxicity on hematologic malignancies
Paola Secchiero,Arianna Gonelli,Claudio Celeghini,Prisco Mirandola,Lia Guidotti,Giuseppe Visani,Silvano Capitani,Giorgio Zauli
Hypodiploidy is a major prognostic factor in multiple myeloma
Nicole Véronique Smadja,Christian Bastard,Christophe Brigaudeau,Dominique Leroux,Christophe Fruchart,on behalf of the Groupe Français de Cytogénétique Hématologique
Administration of interleukin-7 after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation improves immune reconstitution without aggravating graft-versus-host disease
Onder Alpdogan,Cornelius Schmaltz,Stephanie J. Muriglan,Barry J. Kappel,Miguel-Angel Perales,Jimmy A. Rotolo,Jens A. Halm,Benjamin E. Rich,Marcel R. M. van den Brink
Translocations involving the immunoglobulin heavy-chain locus are possible early genetic events in patients with primary systemic amyloidosis
Brief Report
Suzanne R. Hayman,Richard J. Bailey,Syed M. Jalal,Gregory J. Ahmann,Angela Dispenzieri,Morie A. Gertz,Philip R. Greipp,Robert A. Kyle,Martha Q. Lacy,S. Vincent Rajkumar,Thomas E. Witzig,John A. Lust,Rafael Fonseca
Serum osteoprotegerin levels are reduced in patients with multiple myeloma with lytic bone disease
Brief Report
Carina Seidel,Øyvind Hjertner,Niels Abildgaard,Lene Heickendorff,Martin Hjorth,Jan Westin,Johan Lanng Nielsen,Henrik Hjorth-Hansen,Anders Waage,Anders Sundan,Magne Børset,for The Nordic Myeloma Study Group
Presence of N regions in the clonotypic DJ rearrangements of the immunoglobulin heavy-chain genes indicates an exquisitely short latency in t(4;11)-positive infant acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Brief Report
Karin Fasching,Simon Panzer,Oskar A. Haas,Arndt Borkhardt,Rolf Marschalek,Frank Griesinger,E. Renate Panzer-Grümayer
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