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Issue Archive
June 1 1999
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The Apoptosis Inhibitor Gene API2 and a Novel 18q Gene,MLT, Are Recurrently Rearranged in the t(11;18)(q21;q21) Associated With Mucosa-Associated Lymphoid Tissue Lymphomas
Judith Dierlamm,Mathijs Baens,Iwona Wlodarska,Margarita Stefanova-Ouzounova,Jesus Maria Hernandez,Dieter Kurt Hossfeld,Christiane De Wolf-Peeters,Anne Hagemeijer,Herman Van den Berghe,Peter Marynen
Inhibition of Cell Adhesion by Antibodies to Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) in Normal Immunoglobulin for Therapeutic Use (Intravenous Immunoglobulin, IVIg)
Tchavdar L. Vassilev,Michel D. Kazatchkine,Jean-Paul Duong Van Huyen,Medina Mekrache,Emmanuelle Bonnin,Jean Claude Mani,Chantal Lecroubier,Dirk Korinth,Dominique Baruch,Folke Schriever,Srini V. Kaveri
Prognostic Factors in Primary Cutaneous Lymphomas Other Than Mycosis Fungoides and the Sézary Syndrome
F. Grange,G. Hedelin,P. Joly,M. Beylot-Barry,M. D’Incan,M. Delaunay,L. Vaillant,M.F. Avril,J. Bosq,J. Wechsler,S. Dalac,C. Grosieux,N. Franck,E. Esteve,C. Michel,C. Bodemer,B. Vergier,L. Laroche,M. Bagot,for the French Study Group on Cutaneous Lymphomas (FSGCL)
Aerosolized Amphotericin B Inhalations as Prophylaxis of Invasive Aspergillus Infections During Prolonged Neutropenia: Results of a Prospective Randomized Multicenter Trial
S. Schwartz,G. Behre,V. Heinemann,H. Wandt,E. Schilling,M. Arning,A. Trittin,W.V. Kern,O. Boenisch,D. Bosse,K. Lenz,W.D. Ludwig,W. Hiddemann,W. Siegert,J. Beyer
Factors Associated With Outcome After Cord Blood Transplantation in Children With Acute Leukemia
Franco Locatelli,Vanderson Rocha,Claude Chastang,William Arcese,Gerard Michel,Manoel Abecasis,Chiara Messina,Juan Ortega,Isabel Badell-Serra,Emanuel Plouvier,Gerard Souillet,Jean-Pierre Jouet,Ricardo Pasquini,Euripedes Ferreira,Federico Garnier,Eliane Gluckman,on behalf of Eurocord-Cord Blood Transplant Group
Selective Ablation of Acute Myeloid Leukemia Using Antibody-Targeted Chemotherapy: A Phase I Study of an Anti-CD33 Calicheamicin Immunoconjugate: Presented in part at the 1997 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, Denver, CO; the 1997 European Cancer Conference, Hamburg, Germany; and the 1997 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology, San Diego, CA.
E.L. Sievers,F.R. Appelbaum,R.T. Spielberger,S.J. Forman,D. Flowers,F.O. Smith,K. Shannon-Dorcy,M.S. Berger,I.D. Bernstein
Thrombopoietin Augments Stem Cell Factor–Dependent Growth of Human Mast Cells From Bone Marrow Multipotential Hematopoietic Progenitors
Nobukuni Sawai,Kenichi Koike,Hadija Hemed Mwamtemi,Tatsuya Kinoshita,Yumi Kurokawa,Kazuo Sakashita,Tsukasa Higuchi,Kouichi Takeuchi,Masaaki Shiohara,Takehiko Kamijo,Susumu Ito,Takashi Kato,Hiroshi Miyazaki,Tetsuji Yamashita,Atsushi Komiyama
Engraftment in Nonobese Diabetic Severe Combined Immunodeficient Mice of Human CD34+ Cord Blood Cells After Ex Vivo Expansion: Evidence for the Amplification and Self-Renewal of Repopulating Stem Cells
Wanda Piacibello,Fiorella Sanavio,Antonella Severino,Alessandra Danè,Loretta Gammaitoni,Franca Fagioli,Eliana Perissinotto,Giuliana Cavalloni,Orit Kollet,Tsvee Lapidot,Massimo Aglietta
HLA-B8 and HLA-A3 Coexpressed With HLA-B8 Are Associated With a Reduced Risk of the Development of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
E.F.M. Posthuma,J.H.F. Falkenburg,J.F. Apperley,A. Gratwohl,E. Roosnek,B. Hertenstein,R.F. Schipper,G.M.T. Schreuder,J. D’Amaro,M. Oudshoorn,J.H. v Biezen,J. Hermans,R. Willemze,D. Niederwieser,on behalf of the Chronic Leukemia Working Party of the EBMT
Prognostic Significance of Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase (ALK) Protein Expression in Adults With Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma
Randy D. Gascoyne,Patricia Aoun,Daniel Wu,Mukesh Chhanabhai,Brian F. Skinnider,Timothy C. Greiner,Stephan W. Morris,Joseph M. Connors,Julie M. Vose,David S. Viswanatha,Andrew Coldman,Dennis D. Weisenburger
Value of Immunophenotype in Intensively Treated Adult Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: Cancer and Leukemia Group B Study 8364
Myron S. Czuczman,Richard K. Dodge,Carleton C. Stewart,Stanley R. Frankel,Frederick R. Davey,Bayard L. Powell,Ted P. Szatrowski,Charles A. Schiffer,Richard A. Larson,Clara D. Bloomfield
Direct Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) Typing on Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells: No Association Between EBV Type 2 Infection or Superinfection and the Development of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome–Related Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
Debbie van Baarle,Egbert Hovenkamp,Marie José Kersten,Michèl R. Klein,Frank Miedema,Marinus H.J. van Oers
Somatic Mutations Within the Untranslated Regions of Rearranged Ig Genes in a Case of Classical Hodgkin’s Disease as a Potential Cause for the Absence of Ig in the Lymphoma Cells
Andrea Jox,Thomas Zander,Ralf Küppers,Johannes Irsch,Holger Kanzler,Martin Kornacker,Heribert Bohlen,Volker Diehl,Jürgen Wolf
Effects of the Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor AG957 and an Anti-Fas Receptor Antibody on CD34+ Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia Progenitor Cells
Carmelo Carlo-Stella,Ester Regazzi,Gabriella Sammarelli,Simona Colla,Daniela Garau,Aviv Gazit,Barbara Savoldo,Daniela Cilloni,Antonio Tabilio,Alexander Levitzki,Vittorio Rizzoli
Prospective Karyotype Analysis in Adult Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: The Cancer and Leukemia Group B Experience
Meir Wetzler,Richard K. Dodge,Krzysztof Mrózek,Andrew J. Carroll,Ramana Tantravahi,AnneMarie W. Block,Mark J. Pettenati,Michelle M. Le Beau,Stanley R. Frankel,Carleton C. Stewart,Ted P. Szatrowski,Charles A. Schiffer,Richard A. Larson,Clara D. Bloomfield
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