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Treatment of Thrombocytopenia in Chimpanzees Infected With Human Immunodeficiency Virus by Pegylated Recombinant Human Megakaryocyte Growth and Development Factor
Laurence A. Harker,Ulla M. Marzec,Francis Novembre,I. Birgitta Sundell,Edmund K. Waller,Simon Karpatkin,Harold M. McClure,Andrew B. Kelly,Richard B. Stead
Association of Germline p53 Mutation With MLL Segmental Jumping Translocation in Treatment-Related Leukemia
Carolyn A. Felix,Maureen D. Megonigal,David S. Chervinsky,Debra G.B. Leonard,Nao Tsuchida,Surabhi Kakati,Anne Marie W. Block,John Fisher,Mauro Grossi,Kevin I. Salhany,Sheila N. Jani-Sait,Peter D. Aplan
Fetal Hemoglobin and F-Cell Responses to Long-Term Hydroxyurea Treatment in Young Sickle Cell Patients
Micheline Maier-Redelsperger,Mariane de Montalembert,Antoine Flahault,Maria Grazia Neonato,Rolande Ducrocq,Marie-Pierre Masson,Robert Girot,Jacques Elion,the French Study Group on Sickle Cell Disease
Collection, Tumor Contamination, and Engraftment Kinetics of Highly Purified Hematopoietic Progenitor Cells to Support High Dose Therapy in Multiple Myeloma
G. Tricot,Y. Gazitt,T. Leemhuis,S. Jagannath,K.R. Desikan,D. Siegel,A. Fassas,S. Tindle,J. Nelson,C. Juttner,A. Tsukamoto,J. Hallagan,K. Atkinson,C. Reading,R. Hoffman,B. Barlogie
Predictive Value of Clonality Assays in Patients With Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Undergoing Autologous Bone Marrow Transplant: A Single Institution Study
Sara Mach-Pascual,Robert D. Legare,Doanh Lu,Mary Kroon,Donna Neuberg,Ramana Tantravahi,Richard M. Stone,Arnold S. Freedman,Lee M. Nadler,John G. Gribben,D. Gary Gilliland
Circulating Primitive Stem Cells in Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH) Are Predominantly Normal in Phenotype But Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor Treatment Mobilizes Mainly PNH Stem Cells
Roderick J. Johnson,Andy C. Rawstron,Steve Richards,Gareth J. Morgan,Derek R. Norfolk,Sheila O'Connor, and Peter Hillmen
A Potential Molecular Approach to Ex Vivo Hematopoietic Expansion With Recombinant Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor-Expressing Adenovirus Vector
Tokiharu Takahashi,Kaoru Yamada,Tomoyuki Tanaka,Keiki Kumano,Mineo Kurokawa,Tsuyoshi Takahashi,Naoto Hirano,Hiroaki Honda,Shigeru Chiba,Kohichiro Tsuji,Yoshio Yazaki,Tatsutoshi Nakahata,Hisamaru Hirai
A New Cytokine-Dependent Monoblastic Cell Line With t(9;11)(p22;q23) Differentiates to Macrophages With Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor (M-CSF) and to Osteoclast-Like Cells With M-CSF and Interleukin-4
Takashi Ikeda,Kazunori Sasaki,Kazuma Ikeda,Genji Yamaoka,Koichi Kawanishi,Yasunori Kawachi,Tatsumi Uchida,Jiro Takahara,Shozo Irino
Adeno-Associated Viral Vector-Mediated Gene Transfer of Human Blood Coagulation Factor IX Into Mouse Liver
Hiroyuki Nakai,Roland W. Herzog,J. Nathan Hagstrom,Johannes Walter,Szu-Hao Kung,Edmund Y. Yang,Shing Jen Tai,Yuichi Iwaki,Gary J. Kurtzman,Krishna J. Fisher,Peter Colosi,Linda B. Couto,Katherine A. High
CD43 Interacts With Moesin and Ezrin and Regulates Its Redistribution to the Uropods of T Lymphocytes at the Cell-Cell Contacts
Juan M. Serrador,Marta Nieto,José L. Alonso-Lebrero,Miguel A. del Pozo,Javier Calvo,Heinz Furthmayr,Reinhard Schwartz-Albiez,Francisco Lozano,Roberto González-Amaro,Paloma Sánchez-Mateos,Francisco Sánchez-Madrid
MLL and CALM Are Fused to AF10 in Morphologically Distinct Subsets of Acute Leukemia With Translocation t(10;11): Both Rearrangements Are Associated With a Poor Prognosis
M.H. Dreyling,K. Schrader,C. Fonatsch,B. Schlegelberger,D. Haase,C. Schoch,W.-D. Ludwig,H. Löffler,T. Büchner,B. Wörmann,W. Hiddemann,S.K. Bohlander
Individual Cell Analysis of the Cytokine Repertoire in Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1–Infected Monocytes/Macrophages by a Combination of Immunocytochemistry and In Situ Hybridization
Ruth Esser,Wolfgang Glienke,Reinhard Andreesen,Ronald E. Unger,Marina Kreutz,Helga Rübsamen-Waigmann,Hagen von Briesen
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