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How I treat Gaucher disease
Bone mineral density in adult survivors of childhood acute leukemia: impact of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and other treatment modalities
Adulthood residential ultraviolet radiation, sun sensitivity, dietary vitamin D, and risk of lymphoid malignancies in the California Teachers Study
Phase 1 study of epigenetic priming with decitabine prior to standard induction chemotherapy for patients with AML
Outcome of patients with acute myeloid leukemia with monosomal karyotype who undergo hematopoietic cell transplantation
Long-term outcome and lineage-specific chimerism in 194 patients with Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome treated by hematopoietic cell transplantation in the period 1980-2009: an international collaborative study
Secondary autoimmune diseases occurring after HSCT for an autoimmune disease: a retrospective study of the EBMT Autoimmune Disease Working Party
Issue Archive
August 11 2011
Table of Contents
Inside Blood
Plenary Paper
Red Cells, Iron, and Erythropoiesis
ALAS2 acts as a modifier gene in patients with congenital erythropoietic porphyria
Jordi To-Figueras,Sarah Ducamp,Jerome Clayton,Celia Badenas,Constance Delaby,Cecile Ged,Said Lyoumi,Laurent Gouya,Hubert de Verneuil,Carole Beaumont,Gloria C. Ferreira,Jean-Charles Deybach,Carmen Herrero,Herve Puy
Review Article
How I Treat
How I treat Gaucher disease
Clinical Trials & Observations
Gene Therapy
Novel adoptive T-cell immunotherapy using a WT1-specific TCR vector encoding silencers for endogenous TCRs shows marked antileukemia reactivity and safety
Toshiki Ochi,Hiroshi Fujiwara,Sachiko Okamoto,Jun An,Kozo Nagai,Toshiaki Shirakata,Junichi Mineno,Kiyotaka Kuzushima,Hiroshi Shiku,Masaki Yasukawa
Hematopoiesis and Stem Cells
The munc13-4–rab27 complex is specifically required for tethering secretory lysosomes at the plasma membrane
Edo D. Elstak,Maaike Neeft,Nadine T. Nehme,Jarno Voortman,Marc Cheung,Monireh Goodarzifard,Hans C. Gerritsen,Paul M. P. van Bergen en Henegouwen,Isabelle Callebaut,Geneviève de Saint Basile,Peter van der Sluijs
Lymphoid Neoplasia
Bone mineral density in adult survivors of childhood acute leukemia: impact of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and other treatment modalities
Clinical Trials & Observations
Marion Le Meignen,Pascal Auquier,Vincent Barlogis,Nicolas Sirvent,Audrey Contet,Marie-Claude Simeoni,Claire Galambrun,Marilyne Poirée,Pascal Chastagner,Barbara Play,Virginie Villes,Julie Berbis,Hervé Chambost,Pierre Bordigoni,Gérard Michel
Adulthood residential ultraviolet radiation, sun sensitivity, dietary vitamin D, and risk of lymphoid malignancies in the California Teachers Study
Clinical Trials & Observations
Ellen T. Chang,Alison J. Canchola,Myles Cockburn,Yani Lu,Sophia S. Wang,Leslie Bernstein,Christina A. Clarke,Pamela L. Horn-Ross
Myeloid Neoplasia
Phase 1 study of epigenetic priming with decitabine prior to standard induction chemotherapy for patients with AML
Clinical Trials & Observations
Joseph M. Scandura,Gail J. Roboz,Michelle Moh,Ewelina Morawa,Fabienne Brenet,J. Robi Bose,Luis Villegas,Usama S. Gergis,Sebastian A. Mayer,Cindy M. Ippoliti,Tania J. Curcio,Ellen K. Ritchie,Eric J. Feldman
Outcome of patients with acute myeloid leukemia with monosomal karyotype who undergo hematopoietic cell transplantation
Clinical Trials & Observations
Phagocytes, Granulocytes, and Myelopoiesis
Platelets and Thrombopoiesis
The spectrin-based membrane skeleton stabilizes mouse megakaryocyte membrane systems and is essential for proplatelet and platelet formation
Sunita Patel-Hett,Hongbei Wang,Antonija J. Begonja,Jonathan N. Thon,Eva C. Alden,Nancy J. Wandersee,Xiuli An,Narla Mohandas,John H. Hartwig,Joseph E. Italiano, Jr
Bcl-xL–inhibitory BH3 mimetics can induce a transient thrombocytopathy that undermines the hemostatic function of platelets
Simone M. Schoenwaelder,Kate E. Jarman,Elizabeth E. Gardiner,My Hua,Jianlin Qiao,Michael J. White,Emma C. Josefsson,Imala Alwis,Akiko Ono,Abbey Willcox,Robert K. Andrews,Kylie D. Mason,Hatem H. Salem,David C. S. Huang,Benjamin T. Kile,Andrew W. Roberts,Shaun P. Jackson
Thrombosis and Hemostasis
Long-term outcome and lineage-specific chimerism in 194 patients with Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome treated by hematopoietic cell transplantation in the period 1980-2009: an international collaborative study
Clinical Trials & Observations
Daniele Moratto,Silvia Giliani,Carmem Bonfim,Evelina Mazzolari,Alain Fischer,Hans D. Ochs,Andrew J. Cant,Adrian J. Thrasher,Morton J. Cowan,Michael H. Albert,Trudy Small,Sung-Yun Pai,Elie Haddad,Antonella Lisa,Sophie Hambleton,Mary Slatter,Marina Cavazzana-Calvo,Nizar Mahlaoui,Capucine Picard,Troy R. Torgerson,Lauri Burroughs,Adriana Koliski,Jose Zanis Neto,Fulvio Porta,Waseem Qasim,Paul Veys,Kristina Kavanau,Manfred Hönig,Ansgar Schulz,Wilhelm Friedrich,Luigi D. Notarangelo
Secondary autoimmune diseases occurring after HSCT for an autoimmune disease: a retrospective study of the EBMT Autoimmune Disease Working Party
Clinical Trials & Observations
Thomas Daikeler,Myriam Labopin,Massimo Di Gioia,Mario Abinun,Tobias Alexander,Irene Miniati,Francesca Gualandi,Athanasios Fassas,Thierry Martin,Carl Philipp Schwarze,Nico Wulffraat,Maya Buch,Antonia Sampol,Enric Carreras,Benedicte Dubois,Bernd Gruhn,Tayfun Güngör,David Pohlreich,Annemie Schuerwegh,Emilian Snarski,John Snowden,Paul Veys,Anders Fasth,Stig Lenhoff,Chiara Messina,Jan Voswinkel,Manuela Badoglio,Jörg Henes,David Launay,Alan Tyndall,Eliane Gluckman,Dominique Farge,on behalf of the EBMT Autoimmune Disease Working Party
Vascular Biology
A switch toward angiostatic gene expression impairs the angiogenic properties of endothelial progenitor cells in low birth weight preterm infants
Isabelle Ligi,Stéphanie Simoncini,Edwige Tellier,Paula Frizera Vassallo,Florence Sabatier,Benjamin Guillet,Edouard Lamy,Gabrielle Sarlon,Cathy Quemener,Andreas Bikfalvi,Maxime Marcelli,Alain Pascal,Blandine Dizier,Umberto Simeoni,Françoise Dignat-George,Francine Anfosso
Cover Image
Cover Image
Fluorescence micrograph of a proplatelet-producing megakaryocyte stained with antibodies to βII spectrin (green) and phalloidin (red) to highlight the membrane skeleton and filamentous actin cytoskeleton during platelet production. See the article by Patel-Hett et al on page 1641.
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