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Failure to achieve a complete hematologic response at the time of a major cytogenetic response with second-generation tyrosine kinase inhibitors is associated with a poor prognosis among patients with chronic myeloid leukemia in accelerated or blast phase
Cutaneous lymphoma incidence patterns in the United States: a population-based study of 3884 cases
Evaluation of mycophenolate mofetil for initial treatment of chronic graft-versus-host disease
Acute mixed lineage leukemia in children: the experience of St Jude Children's Research Hospital
The favorable impact of CEBPA mutations in patients with acute myeloid leukemia is only observed in the absence of associated cytogenetic abnormalities and FLT3 internal duplication
NPM1 but not FLT3-ITD mutations predict early blast cell clearance and CR rate in patients with normal karyotype AML (NK-AML) or high-risk myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS)
Issue Archive
May 21 2009
In this Issue
Table of Contents
HapMap scanning of novel human minor histocompatibility antigens
Michi Kamei,Yasuhito Nannya,Hiroki Torikai,Takakazu Kawase,Kenjiro Taura,Yoshihiro Inamoto,Taro Takahashi,Makoto Yazaki,Satoko Morishima,Kunio Tsujimura,Koichi Miyamura,Tetsuya Ito,Hajime Togari,Stanley R. Riddell,Yoshihisa Kodera,Yasuo Morishima,Toshitada Takahashi,Kiyotaka Kuzushima,Seishi Ogawa,Yoshiki Akatsuka
Failure to achieve a complete hematologic response at the time of a major cytogenetic response with second-generation tyrosine kinase inhibitors is associated with a poor prognosis among patients with chronic myeloid leukemia in accelerated or blast phase
Clinical Trials & Observations
Carmen Fava,Hagop M. Kantarjian,Elias Jabbour,Susan O'Brien,Nitin Jain,Mary Beth Rios,Guillermo Garcia-Manero,Farhad Ravandi,Srdan Verstovsek,Gautam Borthakur,Jianqin Shan,Jorge Cortes
Cutaneous lymphoma incidence patterns in the United States: a population-based study of 3884 cases
Clinical Trials & Observations
Evaluation of mycophenolate mofetil for initial treatment of chronic graft-versus-host disease
Clinical Trials & Observations
Paul J. Martin,Barry E. Storer,Scott D. Rowley,Mary E. D. Flowers,Stephanie J. Lee,Paul A. Carpenter,John R. Wingard,Paul J. Shaughnessy,Marcel P. DeVetten,Madan Jagasia,Joseph W. Fay,Koen van Besien,Vikas Gupta,Carrie Kitko,Laura J. Johnston,Richard T. Maziarz,Mukta Arora,Pamala A. Jacobson,Daniel Weisdorf
Acute mixed lineage leukemia in children: the experience of St Jude Children's Research Hospital
Clinical Trials & Observations
Jeffrey E. Rubnitz,Mihaela Onciu,Stanley Pounds,Sheila Shurtleff,Xueyuan Cao,Susana C. Raimondi,Frederick G. Behm,Dario Campana,Bassem I. Razzouk,Raul C. Ribeiro,James R. Downing,Ching-Hon Pui
The favorable impact of CEBPA mutations in patients with acute myeloid leukemia is only observed in the absence of associated cytogenetic abnormalities and FLT3 internal duplication
Brief Report
Aline Renneville,Nicolas Boissel,Nathalie Gachard,Dina Naguib,Christian Bastard,Stéphane de Botton,Olivier Nibourel,Cécile Pautas,Oumedaly Reman,Xavier Thomas,Claude Gardin,Christine Terré,Sylvie Castaigne,Claude Preudhomme,Hervé Dombret
Efficient construction of producer cell lines for a SIN lentiviral vector for SCID-X1 gene therapy by concatemeric array transfection
Robert E. Throm,Annastasia A. Ouma,Sheng Zhou,Anantharaman Chandrasekaran,Timothy Lockey,Michael Greene,Suk See De Ravin,Morvarid Moayeri,Harry L. Malech,Brian P. Sorrentino,John T. Gray
Ectopic HOXB4 overcomes the inhibitory effect of tumor necrosis factor-α on Fanconi anemia hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells
Michael D. Milsom,Bernhard Schiedlmeier,Jeff Bailey,Mi-Ok Kim,Dandan Li,Michael Jansen,Abdullah Mahmood Ali,Michelle Kirby,Christopher Baum,Leslie J. Fairbairn,David A. Williams
A proliferation-inducing ligand mediates follicular lymphoma B-cell proliferation and cyclin D1 expression through phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase–regulated mammalian target of rapamycin activation
Mamta Gupta,Stacey R. Dillon,Steven C. Ziesmer,Andrew L. Feldman,Thomas E. Witzig,Stephen M. Ansell,James R. Cerhan,Anne J. Novak
microRNA-29c and microRNA-223 down-regulation has in vivo significance in chronic lymphocytic leukemia and improves disease risk stratification
Basile Stamatopoulos,Nathalie Meuleman,Benjamin Haibe-Kains,Pascale Saussoy,Eric Van Den Neste,Lucienne Michaux,Pierre Heimann,Philippe Martiat,Dominique Bron,Laurence Lagneaux
NPM1 but not FLT3-ITD mutations predict early blast cell clearance and CR rate in patients with normal karyotype AML (NK-AML) or high-risk myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS)
Brief Report
Friederike Schneider,Eva Hoster,Michael Unterhalt,Stephanie Schneider,Annika Dufour,Tobias Benthaus,Gudrun Mellert,Evelin Zellmeier,Stefan K. Bohlander,Michaela Feuring-Buske,Christian Buske,Jan Braess,Susanne Fritsch,Achim Heinecke,Maria C. Sauerland,Wolfgang E. Berdel,Thomas Buechner,Bernhard J. Woermann,Wolfgang Hiddemann,Karsten Spiekermann
Neutrophils phagocytose activated platelets in vivo: a phosphatidylserine, P-selectin, and β2 integrin–dependent cell clearance program
Norma Maugeri,Patrizia Rovere-Querini,Virgilio Evangelista,Cesare Covino,Annalisa Capobianco,Maria T. S. Bertilaccio,Antonio Piccoli,Licia Totani,Domenico Cianflone,Attilio Maseri,Angelo A. Manfredi
Wound healing defect of Vav3−/− mice due to impaired β2-integrin–dependent macrophage phagocytosis of apoptotic neutrophils
Anca Sindrilaru,Thorsten Peters,Jürgen Schymeinsky,Tsvetelina Oreshkova,Honglin Wang,Anne Gompf,Francesca Mannella,Meinhard Wlaschek,Cord Sunderkötter,Karl Lenhard Rudolph,Barbara Walzog,Xosé R. Bustelo,Klaus D. Fischer,Karin Scharffetter-Kochanek
Regulation of iron homeostasis in anemia of chronic disease and iron deficiency anemia: diagnostic and therapeutic implications
Igor Theurl,Elmar Aigner,Milan Theurl,Manfred Nairz,Markus Seifert,Andrea Schroll,Thomas Sonnweber,Lukas Eberwein,Derrick R. Witcher,Anthony T. Murphy,Victor J. Wroblewski,Eva Wurz,Christian Datz,Guenter Weiss
Common susceptibility alleles are unlikely to contribute as strongly as the FV and ABO loci to VTE risk: results from a GWAS approach
David-Alexandre Trégouët,Simon Heath,Noémie Saut,Christine Biron-Andreani,Jean-François Schved,Gilles Pernod,Pilar Galan,Ludovic Drouet,Diana Zelenika,Irène Juhan-Vague,Marie-Christine Alessi,Laurence Tiret,Mark Lathrop,Joseph Emmerich,Pierre-Emmanuel Morange
Selective testing for thrombophilia in patients with first venous thrombosis: results from a retrospective family cohort study on absolute thrombotic risk for currently known thrombophilic defects in 2479 relatives
Willem M. Lijfering,Jan-Leendert P. Brouwer,Nic J. G. M. Veeger,Ivan Bank,Michiel Coppens,Saskia Middeldorp,Karly Hamulyák,Martin H. Prins,Harry R. Büller,Jan van der Meer
Revascularization of ischemic limbs after transplantation of human bone marrow cells with high aldehyde dehydrogenase activity
Benjamin J. Capoccia,Debra L. Robson,Krysta D. Levac,Dustin J. Maxwell,Sarah A. Hohm,Marian J. Neelamkavil,Gillian I. Bell,Anargyros Xenocostas,Daniel C. Link,David Piwnica-Worms,Jan A. Nolta,David A. Hess
Cover Image
Cover Image
Neutrophils phagocytose activated platelets. Platelets are shown closely adhering to and partially enveloped by pseudopods extending from the neutrophil plasma membrane. See the article by Maugeri et al on page 5254.
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