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Monitoring CML patients responding to treatment with tyrosine kinase inhibitors: review and recommendations for harmonizing current methodology for detecting BCR-ABL transcripts and kinase domain mutations and for expressing results
Clofarabine and cytarabine combination as induction therapy for acute myeloid leukemia (AML) in patients 50 years of age or older
Safety and pharmacokinetics of recombinant factor XIII-A2 administration in patients with congenital factor XIII deficiency
Pretreatment cytogenetics add to other prognostic factors predicting complete remission and long-term outcome in patients 60 years of age or older with acute myeloid leukemia: results from Cancer and Leukemia Group B 8461
Lethal hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis in Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome type II
Improved leukemia-free survival after postconsolidation immunotherapy with histamine dihydrochloride and interleukin-2 in acute myeloid leukemia: results of a randomized phase 3 trial
Effects of oral arsenic trioxide therapy on QT intervals in patients with acute promyelocytic leukemia: implications for long-term cardiac safety
A nonsense polymorphism in the protein Z-dependent protease inhibitor increases the risk for venous thrombosis
Implication of the folate-methionine metabolism pathways in susceptibility to follicular lymphomas
Loss of major histocompatibility class II gene and protein expression in primary mediastinal large B-cell lymphoma is highly coordinated and related to poor patient survival
Genetic and clinical implications of the Val617Phe JAK2 mutation in 72 families with myeloproliferative disorders
Inverse correlation between cerebral blood flow measured by continuous arterial spin-labeling (CASL) MRI and neurocognitive function in children with sickle cell anemia (SCA)
Myeloablative allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for non-Hodgkin lymphoma: a nationwide survey in Japan
Issue Archive
July 1 2006
In this Issue
Table of Contents
Monitoring CML patients responding to treatment with tyrosine kinase inhibitors: review and recommendations for harmonizing current methodology for detecting BCR-ABL transcripts and kinase domain mutations and for expressing results
Clinical Trials & Observations
Timothy Hughes,Michael Deininger,Andreas Hochhaus,Susan Branford,Jerald Radich,Jaspal Kaeda,Michele Baccarani,Jorge Cortes,Nicholas C. P. Cross,Brian J. Druker,Jean Gabert,David Grimwade,Rüdiger Hehlmann,Suzanne Kamel-Reid,Jeffrey H. Lipton,Janina Longtine,Giovanni Martinelli,Giuseppe Saglio,Simona Soverini,Wendy Stock,John M. Goldman
Clofarabine and cytarabine combination as induction therapy for acute myeloid leukemia (AML) in patients 50 years of age or older
Clinical Trials & Observations
Stefan Faderl,Srdan Verstovsek,Jorge Cortes,Farhad Ravandi,Miloslav Beran,Guillermo Garcia-Manero,Alessandra Ferrajoli,Zeev Estrov,Susan O'Brien,Charles Koller,Francis J. Giles,William Wierda,Monica Kwari,Hagop M. Kantarjian
Safety and pharmacokinetics of recombinant factor XIII-A2 administration in patients with congenital factor XIII deficiency
Clinical Trials & Observations
Amy E. Lovejoy,Tom C. Reynolds,Jennifer E. Visich,Michael D. Butine,Guy Young,Melissa A. Belvedere,Rachelle C. Blain,Susan M. Pederson,Laura M. Ishak,Diane J. Nugent
Pretreatment cytogenetics add to other prognostic factors predicting complete remission and long-term outcome in patients 60 years of age or older with acute myeloid leukemia: results from Cancer and Leukemia Group B 8461
Clinical Trials & Observations
Sherif S. Farag,Kellie J. Archer,Krzysztof Mrózek,Amy S. Ruppert,Andrew J. Carroll,James W. Vardiman,Mark J. Pettenati,Maria R. Baer,Mazin B. Qumsiyeh,Prasad R. Koduru,Yi Ning,Robert J. Mayer,Richard M. Stone,Richard A. Larson,Clara D. Bloomfield
Lethal hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis in Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome type II
Clinical Trials & Observations
Anselm Enders,Barbara Zieger,Klaus Schwarz,Ayami Yoshimi,Carsten Speckmann,Eva-Maria Knoepfle,Udo Kontny,Christoph Müller,Alan Nurden,Jan Rohr,Matthias Henschen,Ulrich Pannicke,Charlotte Niemeyer,Paquita Nurden,Stephan Ehl
Improved leukemia-free survival after postconsolidation immunotherapy with histamine dihydrochloride and interleukin-2 in acute myeloid leukemia: results of a randomized phase 3 trial
Clinical Trials & Observations
Mats Brune,Sylvie Castaigne,John Catalano,Kurt Gehlsen,Anthony D. Ho,Wolf-Karsten Hofmann,Donna E. Hogge,Bo Nilsson,Reuven Or,Ana I. Romero,Jacob M. Rowe,Bengt Simonsson,Ruth Spearing,Edward A. Stadtmauer,Jeff Szer,Elisabeth Wallhult,Kristoffer Hellstrand
Effects of oral arsenic trioxide therapy on QT intervals in patients with acute promyelocytic leukemia: implications for long-term cardiac safety
Clinical Trials & Observations
Brief Report
Multiyear therapeutic benefit of AAV serotypes 2, 6, and 8 delivering factor VIII to hemophilia A mice and dogs
Haiyan Jiang,David Lillicrap,Susannah Patarroyo-White,Tongyao Liu,Xiaobing Qian,Ciaran D. Scallan,Sandra Powell,Tracey Keller,Morag McMurray,Andrea Labelle,Dea Nagy,Joseph A. Vargas,Shangzhen Zhou,Linda B. Couto,Glenn F. Pierce
Deficiency in the Wiskott-Aldrich protein induces premature proplatelet formation and platelet production in the bone marrow compartment
Siham Sabri,Adlen Foudi,Siham Boukour,Brigitte Franc,Sabine Charrier,Martine Jandrot-Perrus,Richard W. Farndale,Abdelali Jalil,Mike P. Blundell,Elisabeth M. Cramer,Fawzia Louache,Najet Debili,Adrian J. Thrasher,William Vainchenker
Lipopolysaccharide from enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli binds to platelets through TLR4 and CD62 and is detected on circulating platelets in patients with hemolytic uremic syndrome
Anne-lie Ståhl,Majlis Svensson,Matthias Mörgelin,Catharina Svanborg,Phillip I. Tarr,Jody C. Mooney,Sandra L. Watkins,Roger Johnson,Diana Karpman
A nonsense polymorphism in the protein Z-dependent protease inhibitor increases the risk for venous thrombosis
Clinical Trials & Observations
Javier Corral,Rocio González-Conejero,Jose Manuel Soria,Jose Ramón González-Porras,Elena Pérez-Ceballos,Ramón Lecumberri,Vanessa Roldán,Juan Carlos Souto,Antonia Miñano,David Hernández-Espinosa,Ignacio Alberca,Jordi Fontcuberta,Vicente Vicente
The AIDS resistance of naturally SIV-infected sooty mangabeys is independent of cellular immunity to the virus
Richard Dunham,Paola Pagliardini,Shari Gordon,Beth Sumpter,Jessica Engram,Abeer Moanna,Mirko Paiardini,Judith N. Mandl,Benton Lawson,Seema Garg,Harold M. McClure,Yong-Xian Xu,Chris Ibegbu,Kirk Easley,Nathalia Katz,Ivona Pandrea,Cristian Apetrei,Donald L. Sodora,Silvija I. Staprans,Mark B. Feinberg,Guido Silvestri
Hepatocyte growth factor favors monocyte differentiation into regulatory interleukin (IL)-10++IL-12low/neg accessory cells with dendritic-cell features
Sergio Rutella,Giuseppina Bonanno,Annabella Procoli,Andrea Mariotti,Daniela G. de Ritis,Antonio Curti,Silvio Danese,Gloria Pessina,Simona Pandolfi,Federica Natoni,Annalaura Di Febo,Giovanni Scambia,Rossella Manfredini,Simona Salati,Sergio Ferrari,Luca Pierelli,Giuseppe Leone,Roberto M. Lemoli
CD25 and indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase are up-regulated by prostaglandin E2 and expressed by tumor-associated dendritic cells in vivo: additional mechanisms of T-cell inhibition
Michael S. von Bergwelt-Baildon,Alexey Popov,Tomo Saric,Jens Chemnitz,Sabine Classen,Marc S. Stoffel,Francesca Fiore,Udo Roth,Marc Beyer,Svenja Debey,Claudia Wickenhauser,Franz-Georg Hanisch,Joachim L. Schultze
Implication of the folate-methionine metabolism pathways in susceptibility to follicular lymphomas
Clinical Trials & Observations
Sidonie Niclot,Quentin Pruvot,Caroline Besson,Daniel Savoy,Elisabeth Macintyre,Gilles Salles,Nicole Brousse,Bruno Varet,Paul Landais,Pierre Taupin,Claudine Junien,Dominique Baudry-Bluteau
Loss of major histocompatibility class II gene and protein expression in primary mediastinal large B-cell lymphoma is highly coordinated and related to poor patient survival
Clinical Trials & Observations
Robin A. Roberts,George Wright,Andreas R. Rosenwald,Marina A. Jaramillo,Thomas M. Grogan,Thomas P. Miller,Yvette Frutiger,Wing C. Chan,Randy D. Gascoyne,German Ott,H. Konrad Muller-Hermelink,Louis M. Staudt,Lisa M. Rimsza
Comparison of a tetravalent single-chain antibody-streptavidin fusion protein and an antibody-streptavidin chemical conjugate for pretargeted anti-CD20 radioimmunotherapy of B-cell lymphomas
John M. Pagel,Yukang Lin,Nathan Hedin,Anastasia Pantelias,Donald Axworthy,Diane Stone,Don K. Hamlin,D. Scott Wilbur,Oliver W. Press
Gene expression profiles of CD34+ cells in myelodysplastic syndromes: involvement of interferon-stimulated genes and correlation to FAB subtype and karyotype
Andrea Pellagatti,Mario Cazzola,Aristoteles A. N. Giagounidis,Luca Malcovati,Matteo G. Della Porta,Sally Killick,Lisa J. Campbell,Li Wang,Cordelia F. Langford,Carrie Fidler,David Oscier,Carlo Aul,James S. Wainscoat,Jacqueline Boultwood
Genetic and clinical implications of the Val617Phe JAK2 mutation in 72 families with myeloproliferative disorders
Clinical Trials & Observations
Christine Bellanné-Chantelot,Isabelle Chaumarel,Myriam Labopin,Florence Bellanger,Véronique Barbu,Claudia De Toma,François Delhommeau,Nicole Casadevall,William Vainchenker,Gilles Thomas,Albert Najman
Haptoglobin is synthesized during granulocyte differentiation, stored in specific granules, and released by neutrophils in response to activation
Kim Theilgaard-Mönch,Lars C. Jacobsen,Marianne J. Nielsen,Thomas Rasmussen,Lene Udby,Maged Gharib,Peter D. Arkwright,Adrian F. Gombart,Jero Calafat,Søren K. Moestrup,Bo T. Porse,Niels Borregaard
Identification of a homozygous deletion in the AP3B1 gene causing Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome, type 2
Johannes Jung,Georg Bohn,Anna Allroth,Kaan Boztug,Gudrun Brandes,Inga Sandrock,Alejandro A. Schäffer,Chozhavendan Rathinam,Inga Köllner,Carmela Beger,Reinhard Schilke,Karl Welte,Bodo Grimbacher,Christoph Klein
Inverse correlation between cerebral blood flow measured by continuous arterial spin-labeling (CASL) MRI and neurocognitive function in children with sickle cell anemia (SCA)
Clinical Trials & Observations
Brief Report
John J. Strouse,Christiane S. Cox,Elias R. Melhem,Hanzhang Lu,Michael A. Kraut,Alexander Razumovsky,Kaleb Yohay,Peter C. van Zijl,James F. Casella
Myeloablative allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for non-Hodgkin lymphoma: a nationwide survey in Japan
Clinical Trials & Observations
Sung-Won Kim,Tetsuya E. Tanimoto,Noriyuki Hirabayashi,Seiichi Goto,Masahiro Kami,Satoshi Yoshioka,Toshiki Uchida,Kenji Kishi,Yuji Tanaka,Akio Kohno,Masaharu Kasai,Masakazu Higuchi,Masanobu Kasai,Shin-ichiro Mori,Takahiro Fukuda,Koji Izutsu,Hiroshi Sao,Takayuki Ishikawa,Tatsuo Ichinohe,Kengo Takeuchi,Kinuko Tajima,Ryuji Tanosaki,Mine Harada,Shuichi Taniguchi,Kensei Tobinai,Tomomitsu Hotta,Yoichi Takaue
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