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Biologic response to desmopressin in patients with severe type 1 and type 2 von Willebrand disease: results of a multicenter European study
Molecular response to imatinib in late chronic-phase chronic myeloid leukemia
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Biologic response to desmopressin in patients with severe type 1 and type 2 von Willebrand disease: results of a multicenter European study
Clinical Trials & Observations
Augusto B. Federici,Claudine Mazurier,Erik Berntorp,Christine A. Lee,Inge Scharrer,Jenny Goudemand,Stephan Lethagen,Ioana Nitu,Gerard Ludwig,Lysiane Hilbert,Pier M. Mannucci
Early hematopoietic zinc finger protein (EHZF), the human homolog to mouse Evi3, is highly expressed in primitive human hematopoietic cells
Heather M. Bond,Maria Mesuraca,Ennio Carbone,Patrizia Bonelli,Valter Agosti,Nicola Amodio,Gennaro De Rosa,Massimo Di Nicola,Alessandro M. Gianni,Malcolm A. S. Moore,Akiko Hata,Michele Grieco,Giovanni Morrone,Salvatore Venuta
Mobilization studies in mice deficient in either C3 or C3a receptor (C3aR) reveal a novel role for complement in retention of hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells in bone marrow
Janina Ratajczak,Ryan Reca,Magda Kucia,Marcin Majka,Daniel J. Allendorf,Jarek T. Baran,Anna Janowska-Wieczorek,Rick A. Wetsel,Gordon D. Ross,Mariusz Z. Ratajczak
Characterization of the proteins released from activated platelets leads to localization of novel platelet proteins in human atherosclerotic lesions
Judith A. Coppinger,Gerard Cagney,Sinead Toomey,Thomas Kislinger,Orina Belton,James P. McRedmond,Dolores J. Cahill,Andrew Emili,Desmond J. Fitzgerald,Patricia B. Maguire
Antibodies to tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA) in patients with antiphospholipid syndrome: evidence of interaction between the antibodies and the catalytic domain of tPA in 2 patients
Massimo Cugno,Mara Cabibbe,Monica Galli,Pier Luigi Meroni,Sonia Caccia,Rosaria Russo,Bianca Bottasso,Pier Mannuccio Mannucci
Immunodeficiency virus uptake, turnover, and 2-phase transfer in human dendritic cells
Stuart G. Turville,John J. Santos,Ines Frank,Paul U. Cameron,John Wilkinson,Monica Miranda-Saksena,Joanne Dable,Hella Stössel,Nikolaus Romani,Michael Piatak, Jr,Jeffrey D. Lifson,Melissa Pope,Anthony L. Cunningham
Activated protein C inhibits bronchial hyperresponsiveness and Th2 cytokine expression in mice
Hisamichi Yuda,Yukihiko Adachi,Osamu Taguchi,Esteban C. Gabazza,Osamu Hataji,Hajime Fujimoto,Shigenori Tamaki,Kimiaki Nishikubo,Kenji Fukudome,Corina N. D'Alessandro-Gabazza,Junko Maruyama,Masahiko Izumizaki,Michiko Iwase,Ikuo Homma,Ryo Inoue,Haruhiko Kamada,Tatsuya Hayashi,Michael Kasper,Bart N. Lambrecht,Peter J. Barnes,Koji Suzuki
Migration of Vδ1 and Vδ2 T cells in response to CXCR3 and CXCR4 ligands in healthy donors and HIV-1–infected patients: competition by HIV-1 Tat
Alessandro Poggi,Roberta Carosio,Daniela Fenoglio,Sabrina Brenci,Giuseppe Murdaca,Maurizio Setti,Francesco Indiveri,Silvia Scabini,Elisabetta Ferrero,Maria Raffaella Zocchi
Distinct pathways of LPS-induced NF-κB activation and cytokine production in human myeloid and nonmyeloid cells defined by selective utilization of MyD88 and Mal/TIRAP
Evangelos Andreakos,Sandra M. Sacre,Clive Smith,Anna Lundberg,Serafim Kiriakidis,Tim Stonehouse,Claudia Monaco,Marc Feldmann,Brian M. Foxwell
Identification of circulating antigen-specific CD4+ T lymphocytes with a CCR5+, cytotoxic phenotype in an HIV-1 long-term nonprogressor and in CMV infection
John J. Zaunders,Wayne B. Dyer,Bin Wang,Mee Ling Munier,Monica Miranda-Saksena,Rebecca Newton,John Moore,Charles R. Mackay,David A. Cooper,Nitin K. Saksena,Anthony D. Kelleher
Mutations in the tyrosine kinase domain of FLT3 define a new molecular mechanism of acquired drug resistance to PTK inhibitors in FLT3-ITD–transformed hematopoietic cells
Ksenia Bagrintseva,Ruth Schwab,Tobias M. Kohl,Susanne Schnittger,Sabine Eichenlaub,Joachim W. Ellwart,Wolfgang Hiddemann,Karsten Spiekermann
Molecular response to imatinib in late chronic-phase chronic myeloid leukemia
Clinical Trials & Observations
Gianantonio Rosti,Giovanni Martinelli,Simona Bassi,Marilina Amabile,Elena Trabacchi,Barbara Giannini,Daniela Cilloni,Barbara Izzo,Antonio De Vivo,Nicoletta Testoni,Giovanna Rege Cambrin,Francesca Bonifazi,Simona Soverini,Simona Luatti,Enrico Gottardi,Daniele Alberti,Fabrizio Pane,Francesco Salvatore,Giuseppe Saglio,Michele Baccarani,the Study and Writing Committee of the Italian Cooperative Study Group [ICSG] on Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
A novel mechanism for imatinib mesylate–induced cell death of BCR-ABL–positive human leukemic cells: caspase-independent, necrosis-like programmed cell death mediated by serine protease activity
Masayuki Okada,Souichi Adachi,Tsuyoshi Imai,Ken-ichiro Watanabe,Shin-ya Toyokuni,Masaki Ueno,Antonis S. Zervos,Guido Kroemer,Tatsutoshi Nakahata
Mutations in PTPN11 implicate the SHP-2 phosphatase in leukemogenesis
Mignon L. Loh,Shashaank Vattikuti,Suzanne Schubbert,Melissa G. Reynolds,Elaine Carlson,Kenneth H. Lieuw,Jennifer W. Cheng,Connie M. Lee,David Stokoe,Jeannette M. Bonifas,Nicole P. Curtiss,Jason Gotlib,Soheil Meshinchi,Michelle M. Le Beau,Peter D. Emanuel,Kevin M. Shannon
A critical role for CCR2/MCP-1 interactions in the development of idiopathic pneumonia syndrome after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation
Gerhard C. Hildebrandt,Ulrich A. Duffner,Krystyna M. Olkiewicz,Leigh A. Corrion,Nicole E. Willmarth,Debra L. Williams,Shawn G. Clouthier,Cory M. Hogaboam,Pavan R. Reddy,Bethany B. Moore,William A. Kuziel,Chen Liu,Gregory Yanik,Kenneth R. Cooke
Endogenous erythroid and megakaryocytic circulating progenitors, HUMARA clonality assay, and PRV-1 expression are useful tools for diagnosis of polycythemia vera and essential thrombocythemia
Lourdes Florensa,Carles Besses,Lurdes Zamora,Beatriz Bellosillo,Blanca Espinet,Sergi Serrano,Soledad Woessner,Francesc Solé
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