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New ASH Academy on Demand Resources Available

March 27, 2024

April 2024

ASH Academy on Demand is a key resource provided by the American Society of Hematology (ASH) to support members’ continuous education needs and professional development. Offerings include simulations, webcasts, self-paced programs, and online courses, all developed by subject matter experts, as well as opportunities for members to earn credit through maintenance of certification and continuing medical education activities. The ASH Academy catalog is always growing to better meet members’ needs — read on to see the recent and upcoming offerings!

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Sessions

ASH is committed to combatting inequities in hematology and building a global hematology community that is inclusive of diverse perspectives, talents, and experiences. As part of this long-standing commitment, ASH hosted a series of sessions at the 2023 annual meeting focused on crucial DEI topics in hematology. These sessions are now available as webcasts to all ASH members:

  • Poster Walk on DEI in Hematology
  • Outcome Disparities in Hematologic Diseases: The Importance of Social Determinants in Health
  • Community Partnerships: An Essential Component to Advance Health Equity
  • How to Support LGBTQIA Patients, Trainees, and Colleagues: A Whole Person Perspective
  • Using Research to Advance Equity in the LGBTQIA+ Space
  • Systemic Racism in Hematology
  • Special Scientific Session on Race and Science: Bench to Bedside to the Community
  • What is a “Normal” Neutrophil Count? The Duffy Red Cell Antigen, Ancestry, Genetics, and Evolution
  • Hot Topics in Blood Donation: Donor Risks and Social Justice

Advances in Therapeutic Management of PNH

This educational series features speakers Caroline Piatek, MD, David Araten, MD, and Gloria Gerber, MD, and consists of three modules aimed at helping clinicians improve the care of patients with paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) and other complement-mediated hematologic diseases. The first module reviews the three complement-mediated pathways and how impairment in the complement pathway contributes to the pathophysiologic issues in PNH. The second module covers the prevalence of PNH, symptoms associated with the disease, and clinical indications for testing and diagnosis, while the third highlights emerging therapies for PNH and their impact on patients and clinical care.

Addressing Unmet Needs in Myelofibrosis Management

This series focuses on assisting clinicians in providing patient-centered care for patients with myelofibrosis (MF). Speakers Aaron Gerds, MD, MS; Elizabeth Hexner, MD; Gabriela Hobbs, MD; and Jeanne Palmer, MD, discuss pathophysiologic mechanisms of MF, the condition’s impact on patients’ quality of life, limitations of current therapies, and the latest data on emerging treatment options. Following completion of the series, participants will be able to identify strategies to prevent, monitor, and manage treatment-related adverse effects, recognize approaches to ensure shared decision-making and equitable care with patients, and more.

IMPACT II Learning Series

The newest addition to the ASH Academy catalog, the IMPACT II series contains five modules focused on helping participants better identify variations in the factors influencing mortality and survival outcomes among individuals with multiple myeloma (MM) who belong to racial and ethnic minority groups. Participants will gain a better understanding of current and emerging MM treatments, explore therapeutic considerations for racial and ethnic minority patients with MM, and address the question: If everything were equal, what would mortality and survival outcomes look like for these patients?

IMPACT II follows the success of the first IMPACT learning series, which consists of four webinars addressing culturally sensitive approaches for the management of MM in African American patients and offering strategies to implement this newly gained knowledge to provide the best outcomes for these patients. Session topics include clinical trial enrollment involving the African American community, racial disparities in comorbidities, and more.

The two IMPACT series are distinct not only in the topics they cover, but in the format of the educational content they provide. Following trainee feedback and as part of ASH’s evolving approach to e-learning, IMPACT II features shorter, more interactive modules that are optimized for a variety of devices and more convenient for the clinician on the go. ASH will continue using these approaches in future educational content, with additional plans to incorporate clinical case examples and explore opportunities for microlearning on social media.

To access these courses, along with the full ASH Academy on Demand catalog, visit

ASH Seeks Councillor in Clinical Practice for 2025; Self-Nominations Welcome

The American Society of Hematology (ASH) is accepting nominations for the Councillor in Clinical Practice position on the ASH Executive Committee, with a four-year term to start in January 2025.

To qualify for the position, the Councillor in Clinical Practice must be involved in clinical practice and provide direct patient care more than 50% of the time. Practice structure may include traditional physician-owned private practice or other settings such as group practice or employment within a hospital or health system. The Councillor must be knowledgeable about the clinical practice issues facing ASH members, including business, management, reimbursement, public policy, maintenance of certification, and continuing education.

For more information and to submit a nomination, visit The nomination cycle closes May 31, 2024, and interested individuals are encouraged to submit self-nominations.



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