Jonathan Licht, MD, editor-in-chief of Blood Neoplasia
Keith McCrae, MD, editor-in-chief of Blood VTH
Researchers in both classical and malignant hematology now have even more options to consider when looking to publish their study findings. With the first issues scheduled to publish in early 2024, the American Society of Hematology (ASH) has launched two new peer-reviewed, open access journals that will publish high-quality original research in specialized areas of hematology: Blood Neoplasia and Blood Vessels, Thrombosis, & Hemostasis (Blood VTH).
As an expansion of the Blood Journals portfolio, these new journals complement ASH’s existing peer-reviewed journals, Blood and Blood Advances. Both journals will be available in an online-only format with a publication timeline like that of Blood Advances.
Blood Neoplasia will publish research focused on hematologic malignancies, including leukemia, lymphoma, multiple myeloma, Waldenström macroglobulinemia, myeloproliferative neoplasms, measurable residual disease, and precursor conditions to neoplasia. Blood VTH will highlight research on thrombosis, hemostasis, and vascular biology, as well as associated disorders, including hemorrhagic disorders and blood platelet disorders.
Amid a changing publishing landscape and the growing field of hematology, ASH aims to foster community among researchers specializing in these disease states, with readily available content that is narrower in scope than Blood and Blood Advances and is specially curated to meet the interests of the field. Both Blood Neoplasia and Blood VTH will be held to the same quality standard and rigorous peer review process of their Blood journal predecessors.
“Like the other Blood journals, [Blood Neoplasia is] going to be a journal for the hematology community by the hematology community. It will promote research from within ASH and make a difference not just for us, but for our patients,” said Jonathan Licht, MD, editor-in-chief of Blood Neoplasia and director of the University of Florida Health Cancer Center in Gainesville, Florida.
As editor-in-chief of Blood VTH, Keith McCrae, MD, who also serves as director of classical hematology at Cleveland Clinic Taussig Cancer Institute in Ohio, hopes to provide a much-needed space for the hemostasis and thrombosis community within ASH’s journal offerings.
“I want to create a journal for a community that has felt underrepresented at ASH — a community focused on hemostasis, thrombosis, and blood vessel function,” Dr. McCrae explained. “It’s an important part of hematology, and I’d like to enhance communication and build relationships in this field. We want to communicate top-quality clinical, translational, and basic science studies in thrombotic and hemostatic research to the broader ASH community.”
Submit Papers Today
Blood Neoplasia and Blood VTH are now open for submissions, with the first articles to be published online in early 2024 and continuously thereafter. Manuscripts in basic science and translational and clinical research are eligible for submission.
For more information on each journal and to submit your manuscript, visit and
Blood Journals at the ASH Annual Meeting
Attendees at this year’s 65th ASH Annual Meeting and Exposition from December 9-12 in San Diego will have multiple opportunities to get familiar with Blood Neoplasia and Blood VTH. In addition to meet-the-editors-in-chief interviews at the Blood Journals Studio, in-person Poster Walk sessions for each journal will take place at the following times:
- 4:00-5:00 p.m., Saturday, December 9: Blood VTH Poster Walk
- 4:30-5:30 p.m., Sunday, December 10: Blood Neoplasia Poster Walk
Visit for additional information on these sessions and other annual meeting offerings.
2024 CRTI Applications Open
The ASH Clinical Research Training Institute (CRTI) – currently celebrating its 20th anniversary – is a unique, year-long education and mentoring program for hematology fellows and junior faculty at academic medical centers. CRTI offers a broad education on clinical research methods, research collaborations, statistical analysis, and managing the demands of family and career.
The program consists of:
- A week-long workshop in August 2024 in La Jolla, California.
- A meeting at the ASH Annual Meeting in December 2024.
- A one-day class in May 2025 at ASH Headquarters in Washington, DC.
- A virtual curriculum throughout the CRTI program year, including webinars, small group meetings, and ongoing mentorship.
“The CRTI transformed my research career as a trainee … and has given me much more than the skills to conduct clinical hematology research,” said Amanda M. Brandow, DO, MS, of the Medical College of Wisconsin, who is co-director of the CRTI and a past participant in the program. “Through CRTI, I have met colleagues outside of my institution who have become scientific collaborators, mentors, sponsors, and close friends. The experience has been transformative and everlasting throughout my career.”
Application Process
To apply for the CRTI, interested individuals must submit a Letter of Intent by December 1. Applicants who are deemed eligible will be invited to submit a full application. To view the full eligibility requirements and to apply, please visit