Eric Winer, MD
Jennifer Bellon, Dana Farber, ©Yale 2021
Yale School of Medicine and Yale New Haven Health have announced that Eric P. Winer, MD, will be the next director of Yale Cancer Center and physician-in-chief of Smilow Cancer Hospital at Yale New Haven Health, effective February 1, 2022.
Dr. Winer, who attended Yale College and Yale School of Medicine, has published more than 350 original manuscripts, and has served as the principal investigator of a National Institute of Health-funded Specialized Program of Research Excellence (SPORE) in Breast Cancer for the last 10 years. He is president-elect of the American Society of Clinical Oncology and a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.
In his new role, Dr. Winer will work to promote paradigm-changing discovery and to build an unparalleled clinical program that offers seamless, multidisciplinary care and clinical trials to all patients, eliminating disparities in access, care, and outcomes.
Source: Yale News press release, October 21, 2021.